Distribution and biomass of blue forests in the Nordic countries
WP lead
Hege Gundersen (NIVA)
Guri S. Andersen, Hartvig Christie, Eli Rinde (NIVA); Dorte Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University); Frithjof Moy (IMR); Susanne Baden (University of Gothenburg); Christoffer Boström (Åbo Akademi University).
Model geographical distribution of kelp, eelgrass and rockweed
Calculate the biomass of blue forests
Calculate the biomass of flora and fauna associated with blue forests
GIS maps of predicted distribution of kelp (L. hyperborean and S. latissima), seagrass and rockweed (input to WP3)
GIS maps of estimated biomass of kelp, seagrass and rockweed (input to WP3)
Estimated carbon content of blue forest per management unit (country, county, municipality)
Estimated carbon content of flora and fauna associated with blue forests (per management unit)
June 2017 – June 2018
Fieldwork – carbon export and sequestration
WP lead
Kasper Hancke (NIVA)
Helene Frigstad, Guri Sogn Andersen, Hege Gundersen, Hartvig Christie, Gunhild Borgersen (NIVA); Dorte Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University); Christoffer Boström (Åbo Akademi University); Susanne Baden (University of Gothenburg).
Quantification of kelp detritus in the sediment
Measurements of degradation rates and long-term storage of kelp organic matter in sediments
Estimation of production of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOC) in kelp forests
Quantitative estimates of the carbon decomposition, sequestration and storage
Empirical data for an updated carbon budget (input to WP3)
June 2017 – December 2018
Carbon cycling in blue forests
WP lead
Kasper Hancke (NIVA)
Helene Frigstad, Guri Sogn Andersen, Hege Gundersen, Cecilie Mauritzen (NIVA); Dorte Krause-Jensen (Aarhus Universitet); Christoffer Boström (Åbo Akademi University); Susanne Baden (Göteborg Universitet); Maria Potouroglou (GRID-Arendal); Frithjof Moy (IMR).
Updating the marine carbon of the Nordic Blue Forests, including:
The net primary production of kelp, seaweed and eelgrass
The export of kelp forest carbon
Carbon sequestration in coastal and deep sea regions
An update of the carbon budget for the Norwegian blue forests
Quantitative estimates of the carbon uptake and export from kelp forests
Total carbon budget for the Norwegian kelp forests
Total carbon budget for the Nordic Blue Forests
January 2018 – March 2019
Blue forests now and in the future – pressures and possibilities for management measures
WP lead
Guri Sogn Andersen (NIVA)
Helene Frigstad, Hege Gundersen, Hartvig Christie (NIVA)
Schematic representations of ecological interactions and impacts in blue forests
Establish Q-press models that describe the current systems
Model pressures according to expectations for future environmental change
Model possible management measures
A picture of the Nordic blue forests’ likely fate and contributions to carbon capture and storage under the three relevant forecasts for the future of the marine environment.
Assessments of the significance this will leave have on the blue forest ecosystems services
Analysis of specific management actions and their effect on the Nordic blue forests’ fate, also in the future.
Clear advice about possible management actions based on this knowledge and analysis of the feasibility (in collaboration with water region authorities from the south to the North in Norway)
January 2017 – September 2019
Communication and outreach
WP lead
Helene Frigstad (NIVA)
All project members
Facilitate dissemination of the results from the project to relevant management bodies and research environments, both nationally, and to the Nordic countries
Workshop on the status of Nordic carbon cycling in blue forests
Preliminary results presented at relevant conference (national/Nordic)
Final seminar with relevant research and management bodies
Final report in English, with summary in Norwegian
Popular science summary in Norwegian for the Nordic Council of Ministers webpage
Facts sheets in English and Norwegian
January 2017 – December 2019