Nordic Blue Carbon report is published!
Read the published Nordic Blue Carbon report here.
Read the published Nordic Blue Carbon report here.
Take a look at the StoryMap produced for the Nordic Blue Carbon Project. It summarises the findings of the project and gives an interactive overview of why Blue Forests and Blue Carbon are so important for the Nordic countries. View…
We are excited to announce the dates for this year’s event organised by the Norwegian Blue Forests Network. When: 9 to 13 November 2020 Where: Online, click here to see the conference What: An arena to stimulate knowledge-exchange and discussions…
Tekna Havbruk og fiskehelse Bli med på et faglig dypdykk om taredyrking og karbonlagring! Taredyrking pekes på en som en av vekstnæringen i havbrukbransjen, men kan taredyrking også bidra til at Norge reduserer sine klimagassutslipp? Med storskalaproduksjon av rasktvoksende tare…
I tre intense dager var 16 forskere fra Europa, Australia og USA samlet i Granada for å diskutere makroalgenes rolle i det globale karbonbudsjettet. Fra Blå skog-nettverket stilte NIVAs Kasper Hancke og Hege Gundersen, samt Karen Filbee-Dexter fra HI. Det…
This task has been executed by Kasper Hancke, Gunhild Borgersen, Anders Ruus and Marc Anglès d’Auriac at NIVA. The Nordic Blue Carbon (“Blått-karbon”) project was co-funded by The Norwegian Network for Blue Forests ( to increase the initial sample size…
Despite the wealth of marine forests throughout the Nordics, we are yet to exploit their potential role in combating climate change. Here’s what we need to do. Research suggests that are many reasons to fall in love with marine forests,…
Kelp forests and seagrass meadows soak up carbon dioxide and help protect our coasts against rising seas. Just two reasons why we should learn to love our marine forests. Marine forests are really something rather special, and we don’t just…
The Nordic Blue Carbon project aims to make an updated overview of carbon cycles of kelp, eelgrass and rockweed in Nordic marine waters. This report represents the annual report of the Blue Carbon project in 2017, and presents preliminary…
Havforsuring påvirker planter og dyr i sjøen på ulike måter. Nå viser det seg at vår vanligste tare faktisk vil kunne trives godt i et surere hav. I det moderne samfunnet vårt slipper vi ut store mengder CO2 til atmosfæren. Utslippene…