Be sure to check out some of our latest articles
StoryMap on Nordic Blue Carbon
Take a look at the StoryMap produced for the Nordic Blue Carbon…
Norwegian Blue Forests Week
We are excited to announce the dates for this year’s event organised…
Blått karbon – En fagkveld om taredyrking og karbonlagring
Tekna Havbruk og fiskehelse Bli med på et faglig dypdykk om taredyrking…
Arbeidsmøte i Granada om makroalgenes rolle i det globale karbonbudsjettet
I tre intense dager var 16 forskere fra Europa, Australia og USA…
Burial of kelp carbon in deep water sediments in Frohavet
This task has been executed by Kasper Hancke, Gunhild Borgersen, Anders Ruus…
Our Partners
The project, funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency, through the Nordic Council of Ministers, is led by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), GRID-Arendal, Aarhus University (Denmark), Åbo Akademi University (Finland) and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). The three institutions NIVA, IMR and GRID-Arendal together comprise the Norwegian Blue Forests Network (NBFN).
Contact Us
If you would like more information about the Nordic Blue Carbon Project, please fill in your details below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.